Dear Parents,

E-Learning – the way towards a brighter future

E-learning is a great tool which will change and enhance the delivery and assessment of education for ever. What we are seeing now is only scratching the surface. The traditional classroom model is about to undergo a complete transformation but teachers will always be needed to guide and check the learning process at every step. Just as extra-curricular and cross-curricular activities enhance classroom learning, E-learning makes available to students a vast realm of information and resources. (The advantage of E-learning is that unwanted users can be easily logged out!)

We must congratulate staff for their tremendous efforts during recent days to getting everything up and ready. This has been a Herculean task forced upon us a little earlier than planned and so you must bear with us as we iron out any inevitable hitches. Teachers are very happy with the platform – keen students can develop their interest at their own pace while for lazy students there is no hiding place. Work is placed and submitted with checks to record what has or has not been done. Students cannot access the teacher platform to alter/add anything but teachers can see all student activity.

We encourage and remind you that it is important that you ensure that your children log on to the E-learning platform as indicated by their teachers.

Once again thank you for your support as we move into a new and exciting phase of education at Stee Schools Cambridge College.